A Moment With: Rishi Tea’s Heather Torrey

Pause Float Studio
Published in
4 min readNov 23, 2016


A good tea can heal the body and warm the soul. At Pause Float Studio in Venice, California, the tea of choice for continuing the calm achieved during floating is Rishi — a brand started in Milwauke, Wisconsin.

We caught up with Rishi’s Heather Torrey to find out what’s brewin’ and why tea is such a crucial part of a healthy lifestyle.

1. “Rishi” is Sanskrit and means “one who is a seer, sage, or seeker of truth.” How does this meaning play out in the way you select and create the various flavors of tea?

At Rishi we believe that everyone is on their personal journey of discovery. We travel the world at peak seasons to work and taste side-by-side with growers in the fields. It’s often at their tables where we discover indigenous botanicals that expand our palates and we strive to incorporate those discoveries into our blends. We are always open to the idea of new growing regions and new farms, so our quest for constant improvement is never ending.

2. And what about culturally at the company?

Our owners call all of us “Rishis.” Though not everyone is on the R&D team creating blends, we are all in constant pursuit of our tea education (and overall knowledge of course!). Every new employee goes to “tea school” to make sure they are confident with their tea knowledge and brewing skills. We do regular tastings to hone our own palates, comparing vintages, varietals, growing regions, etc. The company supports all of us on our journey to our own personal truths.

3. At Pause, we feature a selection of Rishi’s calming teas, how can tea supplement at meditation or relaxation practice?

Our botanical blends are inspired by the natural benefits of each of the individual ingredients. Take our Turmeric Ginger, for example. Turmeric is known for its centering energy and when combined with ginger, honey and lemon (an ancient Ayurvedic recipe), the synergistic benefits promote longevity, stamina and balance. How perfectly in service to yoga and meditation!

And even matcha, though caffeinated, encourages productive meditation. Matcha is rich in L-theanine, an amino acid known to stimulate alpha brain waves, which promote mental clarity and focus. Once used by Zen Buddhist monks during their own meditation practices, matcha is a perfect pairing for modern day practices.

4. How do you “pause” on a regular basis? i.e. How do you slow down?

Chanoyu — the Japanese name for tea ceremony — is translated to be the “way of tea.” Deeply rooted in Zen philosophy, it’s a way to remove oneself, if only for a minute, to fully engage in the preparation and enjoyment of the best possible bowl of tea. This sort of reverence and devotion to tea is the quintessential “pause.” And given the amount of tea we have to enjoy at Rishi, we “pause” quite a bit! Every grouping of desks in our offices has its own dedicated tea kettle and a tea service area nestled amongst the group so that the “way of tea” is fully incorporated into the way we work.

5. For people looking to replace coffee with tea, what is a good way to still get light caffeine without the anxiety-driving side effects that some get from drinking coffee?

Generally speaking, tea has about 1/3 to ½ of the caffeine levels found in coffee. This average holds true for all types of tea (white, green, black, etc), which makes sense considering that all tea comes from a single plant species called Camellia Sinensis. It is the strain (or cultivar) that contributes to higher levels of caffeine, and broad leaf varieties found in Yunnan and Southeast Asia tend to have more than their smaller leaf counterparts. Also, caffeine is more readily extracted at higher temperatures, so a tea brewed with hotter water and for a longer steep will naturally have more caffeine. In short, if lighter caffeine levels are the goal, we would suggest green or white teas as a good starting point.

6. How can aspiring tea drinkers separate premium quality tea from the off-the-shelf brands? Any “good-quality” tea hacks?

Above all, make sure you’re drinking organic teas. You definitely want your cup to be free of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, GMOs, artificial flavorings and other nasty additives. The price will naturally reflect this commitment, but it’s worth it!


This publication is powered by Pause Float Studio in Venice, California. If you haven’t already booked your session with Pause, we offer 60 min sessions between 10:30 AM and 9 PM. Get in touch here to book yours, now.

