Sensory Deprivation Tank FAQ’s — Answered
We don’t know about you, but we hear “sensory deprivation” and our ears perk up! What does that even mean?! Floatation tank?! You put me in what!? While at first glance it might seem intimidating, we’re going to answer some frequently asked questions and bust a few myths. Because once you experience the float, you’ll be hooked, so let’s not let a few misconceptions stop you from trying!
What does it mean to be “sensory deprived”?
This is one of our favorite questions! Sensory deprivation simply means that outside stimuli are removed. At any given time in your day, your body is processing stimuli — sounds, light, movement, touch, smells, thousands of micro experiences balled up into non-stop brain activity. Contrarily, while floating, you’re in a noise-free, light-free, gravity-free, body-temperature-controlled environment that allows you to fully disconnect from the constant sensory inputs you’re accustomed to. And the result — magic. Magic because you still feel, you still see, you still hear, but what you feel is a sense of calm, the salt water against your skin as your body beats with your heart, yes! beats! What you hear is your heart beat, your breath, and quiet. What you see are your wildest fantsies, some might even say they see the “cosmos.”

Wait, so I’m in complete dark!? Won’t I get claustrophobic?
Fear not, you are in complete control of the environment. Just like having a sleep mask on, being in the tank doesn’t actually feel like being inside anything. The darkness and “size of the room” is as big as your brain can conceive. Typically, floating is such a freeing experience, your anxiety of small spaces goes away quickly. However, many floatation therapy studios have pods that allow you the option to leave a light on and or a lid open. At Pause, we offer both pods and tanks, both of which also have light on and off options.
Do I need to bring anything?
Just you. You can bring your swimsuit, however most prefer to float in the nude as material on the body stimulates the senses. We provide non-GMO bath products, earplugs, fluffy towels pretty much everything you need. If you are heading out post-float, we have a fully appointed grooming station.
What do I need to do to prepare?
Not much. Just a couple things to keep in mind. Don’t shave or wax before floating. We provide Vaseline for small cuts. Please do not wear any hair or skin products prior to floating and don’t drink coffee for several hours beforehand. Hydrate throughout the day and following your float but try to limit liquids in the 45 min leading up to your float so that nature doesn’t come calling mid-session! Same with food, you want to be fully digested but not hungry while floating.
Is the water clean?
Absolutely. The water is far cleaner then any swimming pool you’ve taken a dip in. We use Micron Filtration, Ultra Violet Rays, and Ozone Generators to keep the water at it’s cleanest. Even better, our powerful filtration system runs 3 complete cycles in between floats, providing our guests with the most sanitary environment possible. And don’t forget Epsom salts are a natural disinfectant and are present in a super loaded amount.
That’s a lot of salt. What is magnesium sulfate?
It’s Magic. Magnesium Sulfate is a mineral, which has been shown to help detoxify the body, strengthen the immune system, trigger the release of endorphins (happy chemicals), and provide relief for physical, mental, and emotional stress and fatigue.
What other activities complement floating?
We have found stretching, sweating/performing physical activity (yoga, cardio or spending time in the sauna) before you float to greatly enhance the floating experience. Your body has expended pent-up energy, muscles and tissues are loose and flowing with blood.
I’m pregnant. can I float?
Yes. It’s probably the craziest, most stressful period of your life. Pregnant women have used floating to relieve the stress on their bodies for decades. If you’re in your first trimester or have any concerns, please consult with your doctor before booking a float.
What should I expect?
Be without expectations! The beauty of pause is that it allows your mind to go wherever it wants to go with no constraints. Forcing expectations upon the experience will inhibit the natural journey that your mind wants to take.
When should I arrive?
Life is crazy. Arrive 20 minutes early and take a few minutes to wind down
in the pause lounge before your session begins. You can read, do some deep breathing, recite a mantra, or simply close your eyes. Entering your float room in a relaxed state will maximize your float experience.
And, after your 60 minutes of bliss, it can be jolting to jump right back into the chaos of your day. Take time to soak in the experience that you just had. Journal, sip our organic tea, ponder any thoughts that may have come up during your session, or simply bask in the amazing post-float afterglow.
This publication is powered by Pause Float Studio in Venice, California. If you haven’t already booked your session with Pause, we offer 60 min sessions between 10:30 AM and 9 PM. Get in touch here to book yours, now.